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Please note: The CFG office and branches will be closed on Monday, January 20th for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Please use online banking for your banking needs.

Some surveys indicate that the majority of people now prefer online banking over more traditional banking methods. This has led banks and their customers to increase safety and security measures in order to protect data and prevent fraud. However, even with such defenses, cyber criminals are always looking for new ways to beat the system and get to your money.

To maintain the safety of online banking, our lawmakers, regulators and the banking industry have partnered to develop standard procedures and restrictions that help safeguard your personal information.

In order to enforce these standards, bank examiners make regular visits to banks to monitor how they are implementing various security procedures and programs. Security requirements vary from bank to bank depending on the services and products they offer, but regulators look at the following areas:

Access Controls

This approach uses a device to capture PINs and account numbers from your ATM card. Always look closely at the machine before you use it, and report any evidence of tampering. It’s also best to frequent ATMs that you know and trust.

Physical Restrictions

Restrictions are in place to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing computer facilities.

Data Encryption

Encryption transforms customer information into unreadable text, so when it’s transmitted it cannot be read by cyber criminals.

Modification Procedures

This ensures that any changes are consistent and compatible with the security program.

Dual Control Procedures

This is a technique that helps prevent internal fraud by ensuring that bank employees are engaging in segregation of duties and have received background checks.

Monitoring Procedures

Certain procedures can be put in place to look for evidence that cyber criminals have accessed, or attempted to access, customer information.

Response Programs

Protocols outline who at the institution should take what action when unauthorized access is suspected.

Environmental Hazard Protections

If required, such protections guard against technology failures or actual physical damage that could leave customer information vulnerable.

Cyber criminals often target individuals who are less likely to understand the technical aspects of a security threat, like young adults or senior citizens. However, anyone can be a target, so everyone should educate themselves on how to defend their personal and financial information. The first step is to understand what types of criminal tactics you could be subjected to:

Card Skimming

This approach uses a device to capture PINs and account numbers from your ATM card. Always look closely at the machine before you use it, and report any evidence of tampering. It’s also best to frequent ATMs that you know and trust.


This is software that criminals create to collect your information. It’s usually installed on a computer without the victim’s knowledge, either because it’s disguised as something else or included in the download of another software. Security software can help detect the presence of spyware on your computer.


This is when criminals try to get you to willingly give up your personal information. Phishing scams, which can come via emails or text messages that appear to be coming from a bank, ask the recipient to verify details like account numbers and SSNs. Sometimes these messages even appear to come from the victim’s employer. You should know that CFG will never send an electronic request for your personal information. When you opened the account you already provided it.

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